

METRO CÚBICO was established in 2016

Metro Cúbico was officially founded in 2016, although the idea behind the name was generated many years before, a time during which the founding partners accumulated experience individually and collectively in the field of pool engineering and construction, as well as a wide knowledge of the market, its specificities and actual needs, based not only on current research, but  also on extensive on-the-ground feedback received from individuals and companies. In 2016, we forged ahead with our collective dream to create a professional firm that would deliver more than just a finished product to our clients. We wanted our clients to dream big while we co-created their projects with them, so they would be tailor-made to each person’s unique tastes and preferences.

Based on a philosophy of excellence and service, our combined experience of over 30 years in the field of design, management and construction of pool and water feature projects has provided us with the foundation that enables us to offer ideas which are unique in their class through the rigorous application of techniques, best construction practices, and continuous improvement.

Metro Cúbico is the result of our powerful ‘know-how’ in aqua-design, in working with water, that vital element; knowing its natural beneficial characteristics and limitations when it forms an essential part of projects for leisure, therapy and relaxation, entertainment and enjoyment, ambiance, decoration and aesthetics.

This statement, made by one of our first clients, sums up the value and scope of service and solutions that METRO CÚBICO offers today:

“Where were you before? If your company had existed in the past I wouldn’t have had the problems I did with my previous projects…”

Learn more about METRO CÚBICO

Visit our services and find out how we can help you in your project.