

Design and construction of swimming pools for hotels

Design and construction of swimming pools for hotels

Design and construction of swimming pools for hotels

Tourism is big business in Costa Rica – millions of people from all over the world visit each year and contribute billions of dollars to the Costa Rican economy – and it’s not hard to see why. Costa Rica boasts world-class beaches, rich colonial and pre-colonial history, stunning national parks, and year-round tropical weather. All this means that hotels are everywhere in Costa Rica, and any hotel worth staying at has its very own swimming pool, and this is where Metro Cúbico’s services enter the picture. We are specialists in creating, consulting, designing, and constructing swimming pools and water features.

Building a pool that’s fit for purpose

The building, maintenance, and upgrading of a hotel pool can be very complex for the hotel owners. It’s more complicated than building a pool for a single household; there are many more factors to consider. Hotel pools are going to be larger and used more than a private pool – there may be hundreds or even thousands of people staying at a hotel at any particular time and they may all wish to use the pool. This will lead to more wear and tear and the pool needs to be designed and built to a high enough structural standard in order to deal with this high demand.

Metro Cúbico understand these challenges and specializes in working with hotel companies to build their pools. We work closely with you and adjust to the particular specifications and needs of a hotel from the ground up, designing a bespoke pool or set of pools every time.

A pool that is fit for purpose must not only be able to cope with the higher usage, but it must align aesthetically with the hotel’s theme too. Here at Metro Cúbico, we design swimming pools that make the most use of the space they’re in and encourage swimmers to take enjoy the natural beauty that Costa Rica has to offer.

Hotel pool maintenance

The service we offer is all-encompassing, meaning we also provide upgrades to existing pools. If a hotel pool has become outdated or run-down, which is likely to happen with the sheer number of people that hotel pools endure, we can rebuild and repair it to meet the highest of standards. Additionally, we offer a regular maintenance service which ensures your pool continues to run as smoothly and be as clean as the day it was built. From cleaning the filters to checking the pumps to reinforcing the building materials, we are there for you every step of the way.

Metro Cúbico is registered with the National Federation of Engineers and Architects of Costa Rica and the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals (APSP), so you know we can be trusted. We’re based in San José, Costa Rica but we also operate in Panama, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. Get in contact with us today to find out how we can build or improve your hotel swimming pool.

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